Saturday 24 March 2007

Update number 1!

Post number two hey!! Well it seems im committed to keeping my blog up to date so far, only four days after my debut blog post and im here again filling in the details of whats been going on over the last few days in Emu's world.

Well, Ive been thinking about what I should really write about in my new online diary, it would be nice for it to be interesting and humorous but as I am going to be writing about my life I am thinking I might be having a bit of difficult fulfilling these requirements, so if the only purpose of this blog is for me to have some record of what has happened to me over time then so be it, I dont mind if its not amusing anyone else.

Jacob was unwell yesterday, he has a terrible cold and a nasty cough which sounds more like a bark than anything else. We went to Freeport in Braintree with my friend Jo and Jacob's two grandmummys. We had a good day (well actually Jacob slept a lot of it) and it was just nice to get out of the house for a while.

We met some new friends on Thursday, a site i have found has been great and I am finally getting to meet some people in my area. There are a lot of people out there that are in the same situation (bored at home with not much else to do than be driven mad by playhouse disney) and its nice for all of us to meet up and have some adult conversation for a change.

After getting over the embarrassment of having left my purse at Bluewater on Wednesday and having to borrow some dosh from one of the other mums (remember id never met them so when one of them offered to pay my way until i got my purse back I was VERY grateful) we got along well and hopefully will all be meeting up again soon. It will be nice for Jacob to get to know some other kiddies his age too of course.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

How long will I keep this diary?

When I was a kid I used to get a diary every year! I used to start writing in it every day for the first few weeks, then I'd notice by about the middle of February that I'd start missing a few days and try and fill them in days later, trying to rack my brains of what happened on what day, by about March entries would become few and far between and then Id give up altogether, thinking there was always something better to be doing with my time.

So, this is a challenge for me, how often will I update this blog with what has been going on in my life? Well, I guess we will see, wont we?

At present I have a 16 month old son Jacob, a 4 month old kitten called Freckle and well thats about it. I'm a single mum and have decided to keep this blog not only for me to look back on but also for Jacob to hopefully read when he is older.

When Jacob was born and we brought him home we received loads of gifts as any new parents do, a few of which included those baby books that you are meant to write when your baby first smiled, first waved, first everything and guess what I havent written much more than what we decided to call him! So I have no record of when he got his first tooth or a picture of his first bath and so from now on I want to try and make sure that I record as much as I can. I guess that stuff isn't really important in the grand scheme of things but it is nice to try and remember the exact date of his first steps, his first word and so on.

So my mission is to bore anyone who decides to read this blog, other than myself with useless facts about what has been going on in our day to day life.

A bit about me then, well like I said I am a single mum, devastatingly his daddy died in April of last year. Tim was (well still is i guess) my soul mate (afterall its your body that dies right? its not you), he was very definitely the other part of me and continuing living life without him around, bringing up our son is proving to be difficult. I miss him more and more each day and anyone who says that it gets easier over time is WRONG. Every day that goes by without him is just another day I haven't seen him, haven't touched him, haven't spoken to him. It's just more time without him and the missing him just gets worse not easier.

Tim had duchenne muscular dystrophy, his parents were told he would not live to see his twenties but he made it to 31 and we were together for only 3 short years. In those 3 years though we accomplished a lot together, we visited New York, Lanzarote, Cornwall, I mucked up his proposal to me claiming to being too tired to push him to The Empire State Building on our last night in New York, however it was still just as special to me when he told me the same evening that if we had of gone he was going to ask me a question. I was over the moon of course but unfortunately we never got to see our wedding day. We were due to be married on the 10th of June last year, he died 6 weeks before our big day.

Anyway, I dont want my first post to be TOO long so I am finishing now - who knows when I will be back?